New album out NOW!

🇺🇸 From Argentina, living in Los Angeles after 12 years in New York City. I make music, videos, and do other things like dancing. I often write movies and lately have been designing video games. It’s all water from the same river I like to think.
BABY (because that’s how fragile art is when it’s born)
And YORS: because it is yours once n artist puts it out there.
Feel free to just call me Marco
🇦🇷 De Argentina, viviendo en Los Angeles. Hago musica, películas y mas!
BABY (porque el arte es un bebé frágil cuándo nace)
Y YORS: porque es tuyo cuando ve la luz.
Me llamo Marco !

Click on “VIVE!“ to enter the universe around the album.

Click on “VIDEO GAMES“ to see the latest video games by Baby Yors.